Author Archives: Daniel

111 Minna Gallery 30 Year Anniversary Exhibit

Celebrating 30 Years of Artistic Resilience: 111 Minna Featured by KQED

In a recent article by KQED, San Francisco’s iconic art gallery and event venue is vividly captured. The piece reflects on the 111 Minna’s three-decade journey, from its early days as a haven for skaters and creatives to its current status as a cornerstone of the city’s art scene. Highlighted in the article are the diverse array of artists who have found a home at 111 Minna, including names like Jeremy Fish, Sam Flores, and Lady Mags. Their work, along with others featured in the current exhibit, pays tribute to street culture and the underground communities that define San Francisco. The KQED piece beautifully encapsulates the essence of 111 Minna – a space that not only showcases art but also fosters a sense of belonging for all who walk through its doors.

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SUPER Sketch Tuesday!!!!!

SUPER Sketch Tuesday!!!!!

For One Night Only!! Featuring Over 50 Artists!!!!

Tuesday, Sept 19th, 5-10pm

It’s that time of the month again folks…

We’ll be doing a SUPER Sketch Tuesday to celebrate the Closing Party of POOLSIDE!!!! Though Poolside will be up ’till October, we thought we’d celebrate a little early to properly conclude the DOPE summer of 2023 with on last HURRAH!!!!!

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meesh and alex interview

StoriedSF Interviews Michelle & Alex

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Michelle and Alex join Jeff Hunt of StoriedSF for a discussion of how they came to be at 111 Minna, starting from the very beginning.

Ready your SF bingo card: Michelle Delaney is a punk rock mom who runs an art gallery in The City.

In this podcast, we get to know Michelle and 111 Minna co-owner Alex Kivelstadt. The two talk about their lives leading up to the moment they purchased the art bar/cafe from its previous owner.

Check back Thursday for Part 2, when we’ll hear the story of Michelle and Alex taking over 111 Minna, and what they’ve been doing with the place since shelter-in-place took effect in March this year.

Sadly, the gallery is still closed due to the COVID-19 restrictions. But they’re still fundraising and doing virtual shows from time to time. Follow them on Twitter and Instagram or check their website for details.

We recorded this podcast at 111 Minna Gallery in September 2020. (via StoriedSF)

Photography by Michelle Kilfeather
