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StoriedSF Interviews Michelle & Alex

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Michelle and Alex join Jeff Hunt of StoriedSF for a discussion of how they came to be at 111 Minna, starting from the very beginning.

Ready your SF bingo card: Michelle Delaney is a punk rock mom who runs an art gallery in The City.

In this podcast, we get to know Michelle and 111 Minna co-owner Alex Kivelstadt. The two talk about their lives leading up to the moment they purchased the art bar/cafe from its previous owner.

Check back Thursday for Part 2, when we’ll hear the story of Michelle and Alex taking over 111 Minna, and what they’ve been doing with the place since shelter-in-place took effect in March this year.

Sadly, the gallery is still closed due to the COVID-19 restrictions. But they’re still fundraising and doing virtual shows from time to time. Follow them on Twitter and Instagram or check their website for details.

We recorded this podcast at 111 Minna Gallery in September 2020. (via StoriedSF)

Photography by Michelle Kilfeather

Schedule flyer

111 Minna Gallery Fun-Raiser

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A Message from Michelle Delaney, David Mabry, & Alex Kivelstadt – Owner Operators of 111 Minna Gallery:

From our late non-profit fundraisers to our art shows, from Sketch Tuesdays to Qool, we here at 111 Minna Gallery have always put our community first. Minna in 2020 has changed a bit since its founding, but we have embraced the varied and wonderful communities that call San Francisco home. With almost 30 years of history in the books, we have had a myriad of different groups that have taken a part in Minna’s life. We’ve always been a home for emerging artists to get a foothold in the scene, and we hope to continue that in these uncertain times. For this new phase of life, we’re moving to try our hands at a digital presence so we can continue to support our various communities. Despite all the changes that have affected us all, personally and professionally, here we are and here we will stay! Continue reading

The Return Flyer


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WonderlandSF, the incredible Irene Hernandez-Feiks, joins us to curate this fantastic show of local artists.

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The Return

Across the Divide

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The Return


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The Return


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The Return


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The Return

Blue Boy

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The Return

Bunny Love

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Dark Unicorn

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The Return


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The Return

Death and Worship

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Deep Under

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Empire State

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Forrest Queen

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Game Boy

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Glaring Omission

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Higher I Believe

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Higher Tides

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Isolation #2

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Janelle Monáe

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Laughing Heart

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Melting Point

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Night Hawke

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Octopeye (Land)

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Octopeye (Sea)

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Queen Emma

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Reminisce Over You

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The Return

Shades of Greys

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The Return

Sound Explorer

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The Return

Sweetish Days

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The Return

Talk to the Hands

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The Return


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The Return

Traffic Cones

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The Return

True Romance

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The Return

Zebra’s Temper


Last Gasp Flyer

LAST GASP | 50th Anniversary Group Show


Since 1970, Last Gasp has published and distributed the art, writing, and photography of popular and underground culture.

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Here Comes the Howellman


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Here Comes the Howellman


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Here Comes the Howellman


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Here Comes the Howellman


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Here Comes the Howellman


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Here Comes the Howellman


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Here Comes the Howellman


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Here Comes the Howellman


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Here Comes the Howellman


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Here Comes the Howellman


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Here Comes the Howellman


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Here Comes the Howellman




Last Gasp is one of the largest and oldest publishers and purveyors of underground books and comics in the world. Over the years we have published, and in some cases brought to light, some of the most respected and talented artists working today, including R. Crumb, Justin Green, Bill Griffith, Mark Ryden, Aline Kominsky-Crumb, Frank Kozik, Todd Schorr, Winston Smith, Spain, Robert Williams, and countless others. Today, we publish 12-20 new titles per year, focusing on ‘lowbrow’ and ‘pop surrealist’ artists, as well as graphic novels and pop culture titles. We also distribute all sorts of weird ‘n’ wonderful subversive literature, graphic novels, tattoo, and art books, supplying them to bookstores and art galleries on six continents.

Ron Turner founded Last Gasp in 1970. Our first publication, Slow Death Funnies #1, came out on the first Earth Day, April 15, 1970. Subsequent comics included the all-women’s comic It Ain’t Me Babe and Skull Comics. Turner’s enthusiasm for underground comics–in particular their autobiographical aspect–has been the driving force behind many groundbreaking publications. Last Gasp published Justin Green’s highly acclaimed confessional Binky Brown Meets the Holy Virgin Mary in 1972, a book that became an inspiration to many artists now working in the autobiographical style. “Art Spiegelman, who won the only Pulitzer Prize for cartooning, has said he would never have started to do the autobiographical story of his family (in the graphic novel Maus) unless Justin had done it first. And Robert Crumb said the same thing,” said Turner. 

Last Gasp books have been glowingly reviewed in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Playboy magazine, Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, School Library Journal, Juxtapoz magazine, the Guardian, Hi-Fructose magazine, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Austin Chronicle, American Book Review, and the Los Angeles Times. Last Gasp was named “Best Local Publisher” in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2017 and 2018 (and maybe a few in between) by readers of the San Francisco Bay Guardian. Our offices are located in the Mission District of San Francisco.

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Renee Roley brings us their attempt to grapple with COVID-19’s impact on life as we know it.

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