Just before the onset of the pandemic, Michael embarked on a new artistic journey, delving into a series of allegorical paintings he named “Late Capitalism.” This ongoing collection captures the resurgence of dinosaurs as they reclaim our world, serving as a potent metaphor for the existential peril posed by climate change. Through his art, Michael explores how our societal mechanisms have inadvertently unleashed destructive forces upon the planet, with these dinosaurs embodying the looming specter of extinction. Symbolically, the cars and freeways in his paintings represent our entrenched reliance on fossil fuels, while the billboards and signage allude to the allure of consumerism and hyper-commodification that define contemporary culture.
Reversal of Fortune
Reversal of Fortune
Reversal of Fortune
Reversal of Fortune
Reversal of Fortune
Reversal of Fortune
Reversal of Fortune
Reversal of Fortune
Reversal of Fortune
Reversal of Fortune
Reversal of Fortune
Reversal of Fortune
Reversal of Fortune
Reversal of Fortune
Reversal of Fortune
Reversal of Fortune
Reversal of Fortune
Reversal of Fortune
Reversal of Fortune
Reversal of Fortune