Michael Kerbow

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Based in San Francisco, Michael Kerbow is a versatile artist proficient in painting, drawing, assemblage, and digitally manipulated photography. He holds an MFA from Pratt Institute in New York and has garnered international recognition through exhibitions and publications. Symbolically, the cars and freeways in his paintings represent our entrenched reliance on fossil fuels, while the billboards and signage allude to the allure of consumerism and hyper-commodification that define contemporary culture.

On a more personal note, this series reflects Michael’s nostalgic connection to his childhood fascinations with cars and dinosaurs. These childhood passions have seamlessly integrated into his adult artistic expression, drawing inspiration from the classic dinosaur illustrations that captured his imagination as a young child. Rather than adhering strictly to modern paleontological depictions, Michael seeks to evoke the timeless charm of dinosaur art from pioneers like Charles R. Knight, Rudolph Zallinger, and Zdeněk Burian, whose work profoundly influenced his early creativity and continues to inform his homage-filled approach.

Notably, he has been twice nominated for the prestigious SECA award by SFMOMA, showcasing the depth and impact of his artistic vision. His works have graced esteemed institutions such as the Alexandria Museum of Art, Berkeley Art Center, Dennos Museum, Peninsula Museum of Art, David Brower Center, and the Museum of the Rockies, reflecting his diverse and impactful artistic journey.

Reversal of Fortune

Black Monday


Reversal of Fortune



Reversal of Fortune

Economic Decline


Reversal of Fortune

Forgotten Things


Reversal of Fortune

Frozen Markets


Reversal of Fortune



Reversal of Fortune

Invasive Species


Reversal of Fortune

Late Capitalism


Reversal of Fortune

Lone Witness


Reversal of Fortune

Lost World


Reversal of Fortune

Objects of Reflection


Reversal of Fortune


Out of stock

Reversal of Fortune

Reversal of Fortune


Reversal of Fortune



Reversal of Fortune



Reversal of Fortune



Reversal of Fortune

Strange Reflections


Reversal of Fortune

The Causeway


Reversal of Fortune

The Oil Age


Reversal of Fortune

The Thrill is Gone
